Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hillsboro Katrina December 10

It is actually me writing the message today. It took me a while to figure out how to get in and create this. Thank you Wes, for setting it up and doing the first 2 days.

I leave Portland, OR at 11:20pm on Dec 14 - doing a night flight - flying into Atlanta where I will change planes and arrive in Gulfport at 8:30 am on Dec 15. I'm flying on Delta and got a very good fare (at least I think so) of $258 plus fees/taxes for total of $315. Tues and Wed flights seem to be cheaper than other days.

I will be doing this blog:
Steve the camp director will do the blog:
Wes does a blog with his perspective:

It seems Steve the camp director is excited and ready to have me on location. In his Dec 7 blog, Steve referred to me as admin assistant, company clerk, First Sergeant, Girl Friday but he thought RESCUER summed it up best. I like First Sergeant as my kids and siblings considered me bossy anyway.

Sunday I will have Christmas with my son and family who live in Portland so won't do an entry then. You can check any or all of the three blogs to get a full picture of what's happening in the Gautier, MS area.

Blessings to you


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