A rainy day back at the cow pasture April 26

When it starts to rain here, it pours. Our village was rather swampy this morning. Rain started at 4 pm on Tues and ended (we think) about 11 am Wed and we received 3.5 inches in that time period. But you'll be happy to know the rain didn't leak thru the ceilings of the huts, it just comes thru around the bottom. Some huts have several inches of water on the floor. The kitchen pantry, office had lots of water. People started mopping up the water, gallons at a time. One trick I had never tried before today was using a broom and dust pan and you can scoop up water that way. Most everyone had waterproof boots to their knees, mine were only ankle deep so had to watch a little where I went.Some people just wore their flip-flops and slooshed thru the water puddles. We were all wet but who cares, it wasn't cold. The dining area was 5-6 inches deep in a couple spots but has disappeared this afternoon.
Every evening about 7 pm I meet with the leaders from the job sites and last night we had plan B in case it was raining. It was nice in the evening and not raining so we hoped for a nice day. But about 5:15 am it started to pour for several hours. We had arranged inside jobs today so the crews were nearly all able to go out today. The weather is to be nice and a bit cooler the next couple days so I want as many roofing crews out as possible. We got some extra ladders for the groups. Soon the roofing jobs will stop for the summer. And I want to take advantage of those willing to climb 2 stories or a 3rd story on back of one house now. We did go out today to put a tarp on one roof for a lady whose roof was leaking. A couple people's sleeping bag/blankets got wet as it was touching the floor. So a few people did laundry for the village and got the bedding dried. This was also the day to do the towels for the kitchen plus my laundry so I have clean clothes again. Some days I change 2 or 3 times with the heat and humidity so I go thru them faster. I will be very glad when my washer and dryer get delivered to the village. They got the shed put up today.

Last night we had 2 guests for dinner. They were sisters whose houses we've been working on but the volunteers were so impressed by their positive attitude. They spent the evening with us and stayed until after the devotion time. One of them shared how much they appreciate all the volunteers, work, etc. It was a special time for everyone.
Blessings to you all. Hi Christian and all the youth.
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