Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wednesday April 19

I've been here 3 weeks now and it is going well. I have a close male relative who commented that I didn't have many entries in my blog during the week. But most week days are rather busy that I don't get to it but am able to do it this week.

I only have 1 small group in the village so I have some free time. I did have a group of 26 sleep here for 2 nights and only have breakfast. They were doing other things for the rest of the day. It was a group called ANTHROPOSOPHICAL - Inner Spiritual Wisdom Society in America. They had a cook so he did the breakfasts both days. They did replanting of trees, bushes one day. They all had their own mess kits and washed them so didn't use our paper dishes or cups. There was even one man from Germany and he was going back to tell people back there about the work here for Katrina victims. They were all so impressed with the village, were expecting more primitive conditions. This is one of the best villages according to some PDA people so I have some big steps to fill to keep it that way and we are.

I have come across some people who were here previously, too. I was in the D'lberville village last night and someone said to me, "There's a man there who knows me". It was Dr Bill from New York. He's retired and comes down for a week about every month or two. D'lberville has a free medical clinic but need a licensed doctor to operate it so they use volunteers. Anyway, it was so neat to see him and he reached across the table to give me a hug. I hardly recognized him without his cap and coat as Dec was much cooler. We often sat at the same table in an unheated tent for breakfast, sometimes dinner which was at the sports complex for volunteers, locals, homeless people, etc in D'lberville. That village is set up differently than mine but I stayed there the first week I was in MS while we built Gautier.

Hi to (my) youth group as I hope you are getting news reports from by blog. Take care. Blessings to you.



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