Saturday at Gautier April 15
Everyone went home yesterday so they could be home for Easter so it has been a long quiet weekend. A group comes in Sun evening from New York. So I spent today going thru all the huts and cleaning them for the next group. Everyone is to clean them before leaving but some do a better job than others. I can only work a few hours in the morning and after 6 pm as during the day, those huts are too hot. Thank goodness only half of them were used this week so I didn't have to do all 30 of them.
Gautier was on the receiving end of a "Convoy of Hope" today sponsored by the Assembly of God churches throughout the nation. The sign said "free lunch, free haircuts, many activities for children". I'm not sure what else they were doing as I only talked to one of guys guarding the gate. It was on the campus of Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College which is among the top 100 associate degree schools in the country. And here's a news item for you: Pres Bush will speak at their graduation on May 11. About 1/3 of the students dropped out after Katrina hit due to life circumstances. The school was only closed 3 weeks even though several of their campuses were hard hit. About 1500 will be graduating so this is special for Gautier to have the president visit.

We had a group from upper MI (third week in a row that we had people from that area) who put sheeting and tyreking on a 2 story house. (I'm learning all kinds of construction terms these days.) The homeowner rented scaffolding for the month so someone else will have to finish it next week. But directly across the street are only concrete slabs as they were closer to the water and the storm surge. Amazing!!!

Last week I drove thru some neighborhoods where every house had a FEMA trailer in the driveway or yard. Their homes were intact from the outside but they had several feet of water in the homes, ruining most everything.
Time to find something to eat. It gets a little lonely out here but I have paperwork and procedures to redo so there's no time to get too bored. Took time to clean my trailer and get some things put away. I had a new experience there, too. I dumped the holding tanks this week (for the first time) and the hose had a leak. Drain hose also has to go up a little incline so didn't empty without assistance. Our field operations (or logistics) guy replaced the hose this week so hopefully next time all will work as it should.
Blessings to all and Happy Easter. I do plan to go to church Sun. Take care y'all.
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