A windy day on the hill April 29
Another week is over and it was so windy today, the windiest day so far here. Even my trailer would rock a little sometimes. It started before daylight today and has been so strong all day - am tired of it. I found out today that our village is on the highest ground in Jackson County, elevation 60 ft. Mr Martin the landowner came by today and we chatted so he showed me around a little. Behind the trees the ground drops down about 60 ft so the village and where the homestead is( where he lives) were never underwater. Water came by at about 25 ft but no water on his land. That was great news as I was to find higher ground where we may evacuate in case of flooding.
The sharing on Friday night is usually a special time as many are in tears knowing they are leaving and some aren't ready to go. I ask them what this week has meant, what will they remember from their trip here. So sharing time gets a little longer than other nights. I was also presented with some gifts as many people come with extra money or buy things to leave in the village. One man bought a table saw that they could use this week and left it for us. Another group left a pneumatic nailer that makes roofing go twice as fast as this group did 2 roofs this week. They also had some leftover money so suggested I buy another compressor (already have one). One church group sent a large donation of gift cards to Wal-Mart ($25 and $50) and Lowes ($50 and $100) which I am to give to families. Another person asked how their church could sponsor a family as there are many families who don't have the resources to repair their home. Volunteers are wonderful people.
This week there was a group of 26 from Geneva Presbytery in New York representing 16 churches. Most of these people didn't know each other before coming but made new friends from their home area as well as other states. The group from Monmouth OR was from several demoninations so it isn't just Presbyterians here. Most of these groups left today but I got a new group from MI and one person who came from PA after the Board of Pensions meeting in Atlanta. The people from MI have been reading my blog but then I realized I had given the web site to the team leader. He was rather upset that he was unable to come. That is spooky to have my reputation precede me before they get here. One person said it has had 3000 hits so a lot of people are reading it.

We also have some fun times. There are numerous small calves in the pasture with the cows and they come up to the fence. There is a pile of dirt there and they like to play "king of the hill" just like us kids did. One gets on top and one will push it off.
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