Sunday, May 14, 2006

May 14 - starting a new week

Today started a new week with a new group arriving from VA. They arrived mid afternoon so I was able to do my orientation tonite and get their jobs lined up. One group will be doing a roof. We've had a couple of cooler days which has been great.

I went to church this morning and met a few members of a group from VA also who are staying at the Gautier Presby Church. These volunteers served a brunch today for everyone right after the service which was nice. It beat coming back to the village and raid the refrigerator and eat by myself. Some of them want to come and see my village. Since I had no one in the village today, I wore a skirt to church which is a challenge getting into my truck. Normally I wear my PDA shirt and jeans just like the volunteers.

When we had all that rain in the last 2 weeks, the dining area had several inches of water in places. The landowner got a free load of finely crushed asphalt for me and they put it into the dining area Thur. It built up the floor a couple inches so we'll see what happens with the next rain storm. It packs down well with a hard surface.

May you have a good week with God's grace which is new every morning. Take care.



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