New Years Eve at Gautier Dec 31,2005
I had dinner with Wes and Joan Carter of Salem at camp last night as I invited them to see it. We had a nice visit. A big thank you to Wes who found the power cord to the printer/copier as the Gautier church so we are now functioning and operational. We hadn't been able to use it since we opened our camp at the new site on Mon. (Wes, is this enough of a word about you?)
The week has gone fast as numerous groups have come and gone. We had a group of 11 for 4 days from 1st Presby of Belmont NC; a group of 8 for 4 days from Eighty Four PA; a family of 5 for 2 days from Charlotte, NC; 4 men (2 electricians) for 2 days from Greenville, TN (their 2nd trip); 7 people for 6 days from Loysville, PA. This group had Arlene who took over being the camp cook and served our 1st meal Tues evening. She came in Mon, set up and organized the kitchen area and the meals were delicious. We have a hot breakfast and a hot dinner each day. Everyone receives a sack lunch in the morning as they leave for their job site. But she left early this morning so we're hoping someone will show up next week that may like to cook or we go to plan B. Most groups drive and bring many of their tools, etc with them.
There are still 2 groups in camp for New Year's weekend. One is a team of 17 from 4th Presby of Chicago IL who had a plumber and electrician which are critical needs down here. The last group is 34 HS and college age youth with 3 adults from Hamilton, Ontario,Canada. John and Hilda (the neatest couple) are liaisons to PDA from CRWRC(Christian Reformed World Relief Committee). I was so excited to meet them as they also work with Reformed Church of America which was my background for many years in SD. In fact they are both Dutch but there was an instant connection even though I am German. Hilda has helped me in the office for 3 days as we set up and reoganized it a couple times.
We've had great weather but the last 2 mornings were a layer a fog and heavy dew which

Tonite before dinner we're dedicating our camp and naming it "Camp E'yall" with the Canadian and southern influence. Then all the Canadian youth are going to another church to meet with the rest of the Canadians down here (a total of 120). But the rest of us (20) in camp will have a worship service around a bonfire.
Next week starts 2006 with one group arriving Mon and another on Wed so the cycle starts all over. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you.
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