Thursday, March 30, 2006

Here at Gautier Village Mar 30, 2006

I got to Gautier, MS yesterday after a great flight from Portland, OR to Houston, TX. However they cancelled our flight into Gulfport so I was put on the next flight which was an hour later. There was stormy weather in the area so it took much longer for planes to take off so more delay. It was rather turbulent but got to Gulfport but no luggage. Dick the current village manager met me and we went to the offices at Orange Grove Presby in Gulfport and I had to fill out some paperwork. We checked back at the airport, still no luggage so I filled out a claim. All of us who were on the cancelled flight didn't get our luggage. But at 11:30 pm the airport calls me to say they have it. I elected to receive it this morning and it came about noon finally.

The village is different in many respects but the same also. I met numerous people who will be leaving on Fri and Sat. There are now 3 tents with tools plus those kept outside. They have a large white tent for our eating area which is great. Numerous people that I was in contact with at the airport or flying in to Gulfport kept thanking me for coming. This came from local people who live here saying "We have no idea how much they appreciate the volunteers." It was up to 80 degrees today so summer is coming. Talk to you later.


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hillsboro Katrina - Mar 16 - Coming Back

I'm preparing to return to Gautier MS on Mar 29 to be the village manager where volunteers stay. I will be there for the months of April and May. I hear there are many improvements since I was there in Dec so am anxious to see it.

It's amazing how God works sometimes. 5 of us from different parts of Oregon happened to be in MS in Dec where we met and got to know each other. We were all able to be together on Mar 10, 2006 at our pre-presbytery workshop that morning as we shared some of our experiences. There was Wes and Joan Carter, Denvy and Gail Saxowski and me. We had our picture taken including one man who had been there but I hadn't met so don't have his name. These experiences create bonds that are neat to be renewed.

Mar 17 - 26 will be a time with family (daughter, brother, and 2 sisters) for fun and relaxation at Hilton Head, SC. God worked out the timing as I will be home 2 days to unpack and repack before I head to MS and a busy schedule at PDA Camp 1 at Gautier.

Blessings to you, Phyllis