Life in the village Oct 12
I enjoy my job as manager at the Gautier village because of all the interesting and different volunteers that stay here. One meets all kinds of people from all walks of life. Many are retired, some were over 80 years of age but they have the wisdom and knowledge of doing the jobs even if they can't do them as well anymore. This week I had an ER doctor who took his off week to be in MS. He stayed off the roofs and didn't use any electrical saws for his own protection. I also have 3 sisters who came together to celebrate one of their birthdays (they do different events to celebrate birthdays) and what a way to honor the Lord. I've had a mayor of a city stay here, a couple who were traveling across the US on their sabbatical who stayed here to work for 3 days.
It is the volunteers who make my job such a joy and blessing. If some of you didn't know it but I have the gift of hospitality which helps explain why I like my role here. I can't do some of the physical work but I can run the village. (my brother I'm sure has some comments on that statment.) I've been called the "mayor" or Madame Mayor some weeks, "Kommodant" this past week, manager. The title doesn't matter but I have fun when I give my orientation speech to the groups or during the evening sharing times. This is their home for a week and I hope to build them into a community while they are here. It takes a day or two for them to learn the routine in the village but this week they are cleaning the showers, toilets, etc before breakfast which is amazing. I greet each group when they arrive and I send each group off, regardless of the time.
I have extended my stay thru Nov since they didn't have someone to replace me at the end of Oct. The next 6 weeks will be rather full each week but Dec has volunteers only one week that month so they can manage without me then. A new manager will come Dec 26. The need for volunteers continues as homeowners often call me to see if I have many volunteers in the village that week. These people depend on volunteers to help them get back into their homes. Spread the word!!!!
I enjoy being here as I've made some new good friends from both other staff people and volunteers, have a cool, dry place to live in with a good bed, 3 good meals a day from the new kitchen, washer and dryer to keep up my laundry, hot showers, place to worship on Sundays, beautiful sunny days, stars at night and a beautiful big full moon this past week, truck to drive. So what more could I ask for? Less ant and mosquito bites would be nice.
Thanks to all of you for the opportunity to serve our Lord in Mississippi. May you be blessed whereever you are.
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