End of the 1st month Sep 30
I have been here a month now and it has been good. Weather is cooling down some and no air conditioners were needed last night. Yesterday the high was 76 which was great but next week it will be up in the mid 80's again.
I had a group from VA arrive Fri afternoon and were out on the roof at about 8 am this morning. Their team leader was here in April so it was nice to see him again. I have fun with the groups and hopefully make them feel welcome here. It was good taking a load of stuff (wheelbarrows, ladders, lawn mower, etc) out to the job site and meet the homeowner. I did get a couple pictures of them. (will add them later).
Kitchen is progressing as we have water in there now. Yesterday with all these extra guys they moved a refrigerator and a freezer into the kitchen. Then I had to rearrange the other freezers and table with the coffee pots. I defrosted the big chest freezer yesterday as stuff had stuck to the bottom as the temperature control had been set too low for awhile that stuff thawed. Today I defrosted the small freezer as it had several inches of water, bottles, etc froze to the bottom. Then I will rearrange what is kept in each freezer. When we order the food, the quanities are large so need plenty of storage. This morning was the first meal cooked in the new kitchen. We still have to put in shelves and then I can put all the cooking stuff in there. Air conditioner was installed yesterday and the doors today. It looks very nice.

May you have a blessed Sunday and attend a place of worship.
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