All's quiet out in the country Sep14
It is a quiet evening here in Gautier village. The YAV's all left this morning for their respective villages in MS and LA. There were 7 being trained for the manager positions. Michel stayed here with me so there is someone else in the village. He got moved into his trailer this afternoon.
They worked more yesterday on the kitchen and all the outside walls are up plus the rafters for the kitchen ceiling. They finished the floor of the deck and those kids were so pleased with themselves as seeing something completed. Some of the girls were really into pounding the nails. Today we didn't work on the kitchen as Dave had some other responsibilities for the weekend and there are no other people here until Sat. (I added pictures to the previous blog showing our construction.)

We got a lot of rain again yesterday. We got an inch in the early morning hours and another inch about 5 pm. It just dumped and I could hardly see when I was driving. we were only a mile from the village so we continued but sat in our vehicles for awhile, hoping it would let up a little. In the afternoons we all went to the Gautier Presbyterian Church for training so we were on our way back. This morning it was sunny and the water all gone.
The dryer was hooked up to the propane tank today finally and I was the first one to dry a load of clothes in it. Sure is handy as it was a nuisance to go to the laundrymat. Michel used it today also. We are a complete village now ready for volunteers. We will only have about 15 each week in Sep but Oct fills up. The local homeowners realize there haven't been many volunteers here in the last 2 months so they are very patient. Tomorrow I will start working with Michel about assigning work groups out to the work sites, how we do things, etc. Thankfully he has worked with cattle as we've had cattle patrol twice this week. This morning a cow got out and when the owner opened the gate to let her in, half a dozen came running out the gate so we helped shoo them back into their pasture. But they all just stayed by the gates and our dining area, checking us out, being noisy. But that's life out on the cow pasture. Good night to all and God's blessings on you.
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