Getting Gautier ready Sep 3
I have been staying at the Orange Grove village at Orange Grove Presby Church in Gulfport. I helped with a few things there plus get reaquainted with my blackberry and the laptop. Sun afternoon the group of 8 came over to Gautier with 2 of the tool trailers. They cleaned out the tool tent with the power washer and put Jomax on the floor to help stop mildew because water often seeps in under the shelving units. They unloaded the tools and organized them on the shelves. Several people mowed all the grass and used the weed wacker around all the edges. It really looks nice but job needs to be done each week. Wilf (operations person) and I turned on the water, unlocked and checked the showers, pantry tent. He hooked up the air conditioners to the office and the pantry plus 2 sets of pods. Wed night 13 people will arrive for 4 days so I'll be ready for them.
Today I finally moved over to Gautier, help be the security here. Tomorrow the rest of the tools come over. I need to clean the refrigerators and sweep out the pods and dining area. In Jan all the pods had been put on wood platforms to help keep them dry. D'lberville village was disbanded last month so Wilf has picked up these platforms and has made floors in the dining tents. They measured 10 x 12 so it takes 12 platforms (and 4 men to lift them into place). It really adds to the cleanliness in the dining tents. We should put a water sealer or something on them someday. The office is still organized as I had left it which is really nice. George (from Gautier Presby Church) will help us with assessments as well as at Gautier Presby and 1st Presby at Pascagoula. He is also helping with construction sites but details are being worked out yet. But it was great to already know George.
I went to church at Gautier Presby on Sun and people were glad to see me back. George and I talked a little then plus he came by the village today to help a little and see my files on homeowners. There were no volunteers in church because of the holiday weekend, I guess. Take care.
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