Friday, June 02, 2006

My trip back to Oregon May 31

I was scheduled to leave Gulfport MS about noon on Wed May 31. There were storms in the Houston area so our flight was cancelled. We (a number of us) waited 2 hours for the plane to head to Houston. I missed my connection to Portland, OR by 15 min so they put me on an evening flight. I was to leave Houston about 4 pm but didn't leave until 9:30 pm. Many of us tried stand-by on the 6 pm flight but it was full and no room for us. I was 6 hours late arriving in Portland so my son who works nights came to pick me up. They live close to the airport so I just stayed at their house for the rest of the night. That way I could see my granddaughters in the morning and take them to school while their dad slept.

It takes a little adjusting to the routine of life back home after the busy, hectic pace in the village. There the day started at 5:30 am (sometimes earlier) and ended about 10 pm or later. I liked driving my truck so a big change to my little Ford car except my car is so much easier to manuever in and out of parking spaces. I now have to cook for myself as I ate meals prepared by the groups each day. There were piles of mail on my table. My sister picked up my mail every week and sorted it into piles so I could check the important stuff first. I looked at the table and thought where do I start. 2 months is a long time to be gone. I balanced my checkbook as I had left it so my son could pay my utilities. I had had a couple deposits, used my debit card a few times but it came out to the penny with all the interuptions. GOD IS GOOD!!!

The weather is so much cooler and rainy. The overcast here is much darker than in MS or my house just seems darker. The huts with the white roofs had a lot of glare when the sun was shining. I was used to wearing shorts and tank tops many days and now I'm back to warmer clothes.

Sun June 4 the others from HPC and I will be sharing after the service. We'll speak and share pictures of the experiences. Mission trips are life changing. I will go back sometime but in cooler weather, I hope.

Blessings to all of you who have prayed, supported the volunteers, read this blog site, touched my life. Only God knows what is next for me.



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