A stormy, rainy day Oct 27
I'm starting to think we are in the rainy season. We were to have rain yesterday but it held off until during the night or early morning hours. At 6:30 am today there was a tornado warning for George county which is just north of us and the storms were moving northeast into AL. It poured rain for awhile that I hated to get up but I knew the breakfast crew was at it already. We are to have 100% showers or thunderstorms today. People made comments about my big boots but they keep my pant legs and feet dry. It is warm today so will be humid.
Crews are all working on inside jobs today but some of them are quitting early afternoon and try to see some of the devastation before dinner. I have a person who has done devotions twice already and will again tonite. The last night of the groups is usually a special time. He did them Wed night and did something different. He had Mical and me get up and everyone came and laid hands on us as he prayed for our ministry here. That was very meaningful plus the hugs afterwards always help. We don't come close to walking in the shoes of the local people who live in some terrible conditions but it is their home. The smiles come as they see rooms take shape as the drywall goes up.
Tomorrow all the groups will be leaving for home which is a downer for awhile but I have a lot to do on Saturdays. Someone asked me if it was hard to get to know the groups and then they leave after a week. It is but then a new group comes.
Take care all of you. God's blessings on you.
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