Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A very wet day Nov 7

Yesterday was one of those days we see sometimes. We got a lot of rain in the morning but thought it had quit by mid afternoon. So I mopped (or vaccumed) up the water in the office and tool tent. Then took my shower and it starts to dump big time. We had an inch in the morning but got another 1.6 inches in the afternoon. But we were also under a tornado warning about 5 pm with a sighting at Ocean Springs heading to Van Cleave which is 2 miles west of us. People were just coming back from the worksites so as I informed them of the warning, many left for our evacuation spot. One group had already started dinner and a couple of them weren't leaving. I can't force people to leave but I feel responsible for everyone in my village. I was staying with them to watch the skies but couldn't monitor the radio as it is inside where I couldn't see what's happening outside. Mical, my assistant, wasn't here at the time so I paced the dining area, kitchen. I felt the kitchen would be the safest area if anything did develop as it is a sturdy wood structure compared to our pods or tents. We just had some wind and rain. After about 40 min we called the others back and we had dinner. It changed all my plans for Mon night but this is a new day. The water has receded this morning but is muddy.

Our crews were doing inside jobs yesterday and today and have a roof job but didn't start yet today as it is still sprinkling sometimes. I have 11 people from Jamestown, NC and a group of 14 from Ontario, Canada. And we have a musician (one who plays the guitar) so we sang our grace at breakfast today. It was neat to sing some praise songs this morning as we were waiting. Hopefully at devotions tonite he will play as it adds so much to the worship time. I have missed some of the praise songs as they don't sing them at church here.

Sun afternoon the Gautier Presby Church and a neighboring church put on an appreciation or thanksgiving barbecue. They had some wonderful food and way too much so some of it was given to us so we have food for a couple days. We fixed the fresh catfish last night plus leftover potato salad and green beans. Tonite we will serve the roasted chicken plus other leftovers. They had invited the homeowners who got assistance, all volunteers in my village and those staying at the church, mayor of Gautier and I chatted with him a little (us mayors have to stick together), both church families.

Time to reorganize a little in my kitchen as I receive a food order soon today. Take care all of you. God loves each of you and so do I



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