COLD!!! COLD!!! Nov 20
I thought I was in the sunny warm deep south instead of in a deep freeze. I need to go back to OR to warm up. There I have an electric blanket to get my bed warmed up a little. Temp was 30 degrees this morning and frost. we're to have a freeze again tonite, too but it's not quite cold enough to freeze my water pipes yet. The kerosene heater takes a while to heat much of the dining tent so we can eat breakfast but the kitchen is nice and warm. People stayed warm in the POD's last night anyway. I can't believe these temps - about 15 degrees below normal. In the wind it was really cold this morning as the groups were collecting their tools to go to the job sites. I have one crew replacing a roof so won't be hot up there for them. Gloves don't work very well typing on my keyboard so my hands are freezing.
A group of 5 came in Sat pm and have really ministered to me all weekend - doing whatever I wanted even though I didn't ask for anything. They keep saluting me when I say something so I guess I'm back to being the "Kommadant".

They took me to dinner Sat night at my choice but I couldn't decide where. They really gave me a bad time - here I am the manager but couldn't make a decision about dinner. One kid (mid 20's) was here over Labor Day and remembered me but I didn't remember him so he hasn't let me forget that. They TOOK ME to Waveland on Sun as I had wanted to go there even if I had to go alone. I guess I needed the attention over the weekend since there was a void so it was neat. I am having fun with this group and bonded with them.
This group brought medical supplies to donate to the free clinic at D'lberville. So we visited it on Sun afternoon. It operates strictly on donations and has for about 15 months now by an older couple who are both retired nurses. They depend on doctors to come and staff it each week. What dedication and faith on their part as they wait for supplies, etc. I've seen numerous couples working together on long-term projects with recovery here.
I want to tell you about 1 family and change in their lives. They lost part of their roof so ceilings were damaged in some rooms. The wife left him and 2 girls and he has been very depressed. This house was the worst I have ever seen with stuff, food, clothes, etc littered 1-2 feet deep thruout the house, full of bugs and roaches and they lived in one room. A group went in 2 weeks ago to replace the roof and tried cleaning up some of the rooms. Thank God for those volunteers. Last week another group went back to replace ceilings and he started to smile. On arriving the 2nd day the father had cleaned, mopped the kitchen, counter tops, etc. These volunteers were so shocked to see it clean (still has bugs though) and such a change in a week. This man now had hope so miracles keep happening every day in MS.
This will seem like a short week with the holiday and then Fri I leave for OR.
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