Saturday, September 30, 2006

End of the 1st month Sep 30

I have been here a month now and it has been good. Weather is cooling down some and no air conditioners were needed last night. Yesterday the high was 76 which was great but next week it will be up in the mid 80's again.

I had a group from VA arrive Fri afternoon and were out on the roof at about 8 am this morning. Their team leader was here in April so it was nice to see him again. I have fun with the groups and hopefully make them feel welcome here. It was good taking a load of stuff (wheelbarrows, ladders, lawn mower, etc) out to the job site and meet the homeowner. I did get a couple pictures of them. (will add them later).

Kitchen is progressing as we have water in there now. Yesterday with all these extra guys they moved a refrigerator and a freezer into the kitchen. Then I had to rearrange the other freezers and table with the coffee pots. I defrosted the big chest freezer yesterday as stuff had stuck to the bottom as the temperature control had been set too low for awhile that stuff thawed. Today I defrosted the small freezer as it had several inches of water, bottles, etc froze to the bottom. Then I will rearrange what is kept in each freezer. When we order the food, the quanities are large so need plenty of storage. This morning was the first meal cooked in the new kitchen. We still have to put in shelves and then I can put all the cooking stuff in there. Air conditioner was installed yesterday and the doors today. It looks very nice.

May you have a blessed Sunday and attend a place of worship.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A quiet time in the village Sep 27

This is a quiet week as the last group left early Mon morning. My next group to arrive come Fri afternoon. They want to do a roof so I have a homeowner ready for them. My assistant Michel(YAV) is gone until Sun evening for a retreat with the other YAV's. But Sue and Steve from my home church arrived in Gautier Tues afternoon and it was so neat to see them. This morning they went to an elderly lady's home to do some finishing touches and then helped her move into the house from her FEMA trailer. I wanted them to experience helping someone but Steve will help a lot with the kitchen for the next 2 days.

Work has been quite slow on continuing the kitchen this week. Some ladies from another village painted the inside and primed the outside on Mon so it looks really nice. Yesterday we laid the vinyl flooring (squares that just stick to the floor) which made a big difference. The stove was hooked up to the propane tank Tues so we can use it but then the water heater didn't work. So all afternoon we messed with it and had to replace a thermalcouple. I hope the water is hot in the morning as there are a few dishes to do. Hopefully tomorrow they can plumb in the sink and do some counter tops.

Weather has cooled a lot this week. Our highs have been about 81 and the nights cool down to upper 50's. It makes the days pleasant to work and is really nice in the shade. Fall is coming. Tis bed time for me so will talk with you later.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

End of the week Sep 23

It hardly seems like Sat but it has been so hot a couple days. This morning and yesterday it was 81 degrees at 6 am, way too hot to start the day. Yesterday the heat index brought it up to 105. But Wed and Thur mornings it was 60 when we got up and people had their jackets on. Some got cold during the night as they had brought only sheets. Those days were so pleasant and cool as a cool front had moved thru. I'm ready for fall weather.

The group from OH left yesterday but a group from High Point, NC arrived Thur night. Mayor Mullin from OH presented me with 10 passes for PDA volunteers to the YMCA at Ocean Springs to use all of the facilities with no expiration date. That is a treat for those who want to use the pool or spa or whatever.

Yesterday we picked out the counter tops and vinyl flooring for the kitchen. Today it is being primed, ready for painting. There is one door on but it just gets better each day.

The group from NC are putting up drywall, sanding the previous drywall that had been done by another group. They are only here for 3 days so they really work to do as much as possible. It is an 11 hour drive for them so will leave early Mon morning. The group who was scheduled to arrive on Sun had to cancel due to a death so my village will be empty for a few days.

Tomorrow is Sunday so may you all worship the Lord on His day whereever you are. Blessings to each of you that follow my journey.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

A full week Sep 21

This seems to have been a busy week as we've had a group from Marietta, OH here. Their city adopted Gautier as a sister city so there have been some extra events. The mayor came down and mayor of Gautier met here at the village and I got to meet them, too. They had a news reporter with them so he has been doing stories every day back to their local paper. The Mississippi Press from this local area did a story on them working at a lady's house in Gautier. There were pictures in the paper with the article and I was quoted several times (but they missed my last name). Publicity is needed back in the other states about what is happening here. Last night one of the councilmen hosted a shrimp boil and crab feed for our village and about 30 other volunteers from Virginia and Kansas City. He hosts these dinners periodically for volunteers as his expression of thanks. It was a fun evening mixed with the political speeches but they really expressed their thanks to all the volunteers. I got my picture taken with the 2 mayors as we talked and my job is similar to being a mayor - keeping the village running smoothly, taking care of the health, safety and security of the volunteers - my village is just smaller. On the left is Mayor Mullin from Marietta, OH, then me, then Mayor Pete Pope from Gautier, MS. I met the councilman who is over the ward where we are located.

This OH group has worked as 3 places, alternately days as some things had to dry before continuing. 3 men have done a lot of work on the kitchen and the stove was moved yesterday. The electrical work is all done, walls covered and insulated. It will take a few days yet to finish. We'll need to do the plumbing, put in shelves and countertops, painting but it's looking nice.

Numerous cattle were out again this morning but the OH guys enjoyed playing "Rawhide" for a little while. But after breakfast 2 of them fixed the fence so we haven't had any get out since. Blessings to you.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

All's quiet out in the country Sep14

It is a quiet evening here in Gautier village. The YAV's all left this morning for their respective villages in MS and LA. There were 7 being trained for the manager positions. Michel stayed here with me so there is someone else in the village. He got moved into his trailer this afternoon.

They worked more yesterday on the kitchen and all the outside walls are up plus the rafters for the kitchen ceiling. They finished the floor of the deck and those kids were so pleased with themselves as seeing something completed. Some of the girls were really into pounding the nails. Today we didn't work on the kitchen as Dave had some other responsibilities for the weekend and there are no other people here until Sat. (I added pictures to the previous blog showing our construction.)

We got a lot of rain again yesterday. We got an inch in the early morning hours and another inch about 5 pm. It just dumped and I could hardly see when I was driving. we were only a mile from the village so we continued but sat in our vehicles for awhile, hoping it would let up a little. In the afternoons we all went to the Gautier Presbyterian Church for training so we were on our way back. This morning it was sunny and the water all gone.

The dryer was hooked up to the propane tank today finally and I was the first one to dry a load of clothes in it. Sure is handy as it was a nuisance to go to the laundrymat. Michel used it today also. We are a complete village now ready for volunteers. We will only have about 15 each week in Sep but Oct fills up. The local homeowners realize there haven't been many volunteers here in the last 2 months so they are very patient. Tomorrow I will start working with Michel about assigning work groups out to the work sites, how we do things, etc. Thankfully he has worked with cattle as we've had cattle patrol twice this week. This morning a cow got out and when the owner opened the gate to let her in, half a dozen came running out the gate so we helped shoo them back into their pasture. But they all just stayed by the gates and our dining area, checking us out, being noisy. But that's life out on the cow pasture. Good night to all and God's blessings on you.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Building the kitchen Sep 11

Yesterday afternoon the Young Adult Volunteers (YAV's) arrived at Gautier for this part of their training. They live in the pods, cook, clean, etc just like the volunteers who come down here. They need this experience before they become the managers. There are 3 men and 7 women here for 4 days. One of the young guys was wearing a cowboy hat and I found out he will be the work site manager for Gautier. He thinks its great here in the pasture and he's from Texas. these people have had a lot of mission type of work already but in the inner cities with other volunteer organizations - they are quite a group of people. I am their manager as no other PDA people stay overnite in the village so we have talked often informally about being a manager, ask me questions so that is neat.

Dave, a retired contractor from Seattle, is here supervising them at building the kitchen. Only a couple of these YAV's have done any building before. They got the foundation and floor and one wall partially done this morning. They spend their mornings getting practical training and in the afternoon they get more classroom type training. Wilf (logistics person) gave them all a saw lesson and had the girls each operate a circular saw plus he showed them the different kinds of saws. Tomorrow they will learn how to drive the truck pulling a trailer, how to hook it up, between times of constructing the kitchen. The kitchen will be 12 x 14 and the covered deck next to it will be 12 x 14 where we can put the grills.

It is a cool evening after some sprinkles tonite. Had some lightning and thunder early this afternoon but didn't amount to much. Take care all of you.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sorting and moving around day Sep 9

We are getting a few sprinkles this morning. It hasn't been enough to settle the dust yet but feels so much cooler. Our temps have been in the mid to upper 80's during the day but the breeze comes up about 4 - 5 pm which helps a lot.

At the village we now order food 2 or 3 times a week which gets delivered to my dining tent which is great as the quantities are large. I received my first food order yesterday- which included 4 gal of milk, 4 gal of orange juice, 10 loaves of bread (which are kept frozen), box of 88 apples (can get different varieties), box with 15 dozen eggs, 3 gal container of ice cream, box of 60 small bags of chips (one kind). This has been interesting. The catalog has pages of items so I need to be careful to chose the proper item. The next problem is getting it all stored in the freezer or refrigerators. We shop locally then for fresh produce, or smaller quantities of items or things we forgot. If we place the order by 3 pm, it gets delivered the next day from Jackson MS.

Yesterday and today I have also been working in my tool tent. I finally have received all the stuff but some was put wherever and mixed up with other stuff. I was pulling out the sandpaper and sanding tools to put with the drywall stuff. The tool tent is lined with shelves and one shelving unit is for drywall stuff, another for painting items, one has all sizes, types of nails, etc. I wanted all the cordless drills in cases in one area but some are missing their bases to be recharged. I charged some to be sure we have them ready to go next week. Then we have numerous electric drills with no cases. We have some tools that I don't foresee us using but we have them. I know it won't stay as neat but everyone is responsible for putting them back in their proper place. Many shelves are identified which makes it easier. It has to be kept organized so the next person can find what he needs for his job. In another week I will have someone here permnantly to help with the tools. Then I will have to start on the paperwork I need to do.

Take care and blessings to you.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Volunteers arrive today Sep 6

A group of 13 arrived from Georgia late this afternoon so it is nice to have people here. It has been rather quiet alone for 2 nights. Today we had a session on self-care for us long-term volunteers, stress points to look for, who to turn to for assistance. It was conducted by a couple that PDA brought in to also do a longer session with the YAV's. They are in MS receiving a lot of training on self, group dynamics, coping, etc. Then next week they will come to the Gautier village and will get the practical training. There are 6 of them and one will be the worksite manager under me at Gautier which will be a big help.

Yesterday I cleaned the refrigerators so I could restock them today. Several of the volunteers this week will stay here and help clean all the pods (huts), pantry and reorganize it, put the rest of the tools away. Most of the hand tools are still in the trailer to come. I have no hammers, taping equipment, hand saws - stuff that we kept in buckets. My tool tent is very empty today compared to what it should be. We need some of those items so my crews can go out on a job tomorrow.

We are getting some light rain tonite. In fact today wasn't too hot so I could be outside working more. One learns to be very flexible and meet challenges. Good night to you all.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Getting Gautier ready Sep 3

I have been staying at the Orange Grove village at Orange Grove Presby Church in Gulfport. I helped with a few things there plus get reaquainted with my blackberry and the laptop. Sun afternoon the group of 8 came over to Gautier with 2 of the tool trailers. They cleaned out the tool tent with the power washer and put Jomax on the floor to help stop mildew because water often seeps in under the shelving units. They unloaded the tools and organized them on the shelves. Several people mowed all the grass and used the weed wacker around all the edges. It really looks nice but job needs to be done each week. Wilf (operations person) and I turned on the water, unlocked and checked the showers, pantry tent. He hooked up the air conditioners to the office and the pantry plus 2 sets of pods. Wed night 13 people will arrive for 4 days so I'll be ready for them.

Today I finally moved over to Gautier, help be the security here. Tomorrow the rest of the tools come over. I need to clean the refrigerators and sweep out the pods and dining area. In Jan all the pods had been put on wood platforms to help keep them dry. D'lberville village was disbanded last month so Wilf has picked up these platforms and has made floors in the dining tents. They measured 10 x 12 so it takes 12 platforms (and 4 men to lift them into place). It really adds to the cleanliness in the dining tents. We should put a water sealer or something on them someday. The office is still organized as I had left it which is really nice. George (from Gautier Presby Church) will help us with assessments as well as at Gautier Presby and 1st Presby at Pascagoula. He is also helping with construction sites but details are being worked out yet. But it was great to already know George.

I went to church at Gautier Presby on Sun and people were glad to see me back. George and I talked a little then plus he came by the village today to help a little and see my files on homeowners. There were no volunteers in church because of the holiday weekend, I guess. Take care.


Friday, September 01, 2006

Arrival in MS Sep 1

I had a good trip to MS this morning. I left Portland OR at 12:30am and arrived in Gulfport at 9 am via Houston. The weather was so nice and clear nearly all the way. Everytime I looked out the window I could see the lights below, no clouds. As we were approaching Houston about 6 am, I could see the curve in the horizon and the red in the sky as daylight was coming soon. Course, we were flying at 30,000 feet so is quite a view. I managed to sleep most of the trip which was good. I am tired today so hopefully I will sleep well tonight.

I talked with Elizabeth who is the manager coordinator as she explained about the Young Adult Volunteers (YAV's) and the training and what is happening in the villages now. She was glad to see me back. She had been the village manager at Orange Grove village when I was here in April and May so I know her. Wilf who is the field operations manager (logistics and maintenance) also was so glad to see me and gave me big hugs. He was my resource for a number of things before.

I got the keys to my truck and drove to Gautier to check it out as no one has been there for 3 or more weeks. So it is all closed down, locked up where they could put a lock, etc. The doors on the huts have been fixed so they don't blow open anymore!! Every thing in the tool tent was loaded onto trailers and moved to Orange Grove so this weekend we will have to take them back, reorganize and put it all away. The air conditioners are locked into a hut so need to get them back out and hooked up. My first group arrives on Sept 6 so need to be ready for them.

Enough for my first day.